Sunday, December 19, 2010

Debrecen at Christmas time

Boldog Karacsonyt

Little Friend Celebration

The day we got ALL of our boxes from the states
Nothing makes us happier than boxes from home :) thanks fam!

Hello Again!
I apologize for yet another gap in my updating. Christmas is fast approaching, and i am about to begin my first two weeks off. Ministry opportunities have been pretty awesome here. Our church in Tiszafured is growing at times. We have about two more (almost!) regulars which is very exciting! We launched the "4 Senses" theater on campus a few weeks ago. Our first week was so successful; we had atleast 3 or 4 kids wanting to come back the following week to experience the second theater. Sadly that following week we had a mix up with the person we get the room from, and they rented out our space, so we didnt get to have the theater. We lost some contact with the students, but we are hoping to get a hold of them again. We begin the theater again in January. This is something that requires lots and lots of prayer. We have the theater every Tuesday evening, and we begin with passing out flyers in hopes that they will attend the event that night. This is also a big time for prayer as we walk around the campus and talk to students. We are yet to have people join our Sunday morning house church. We are still praying for God's will. One of my favorite parts of the week, coffee house, is also on break. Our last coffee house was basically a huge christmas party, and it was so much fun. We got to decorate gingerbread men and sing silent night in many different languages. We also had a tree to decorate by stringing popcorn and hanging ornaments. We still have new and old faces showing up so that is definitely one of the most exciting things to experience. I get the chance to talk to people from all over the world, form all kindso of backgrounds. It was the beginning to look like i might start meeting with a couple of girls who are not believers, but due to their schedules and lack of communication it looks like it wont be happening any time soon. I'd prefer not to include names, but I'd like to request prayer for these two girls.

God has really blessed me with some exciting opportunities coming up. In a few days the team and i will visit Vienna and the Christmas market there. I'm ecstatic. Vienna is one of the places on my list I'd realllly love to see before leaving the area. The thing i am most excited about is that two days after Christmas i will be picking up one of my best friends at the Budapest airport. She gets to spend about seven or eight days with me, and i cannot wait to get to see her. I have been counting down her arrival for a couple of months now.

I am in awe of just how fast time is flying here. Praise the Lord my homesickness has subsided for the most part. Of course i wish i could be with my family during this time, but it is so encouraging knowing God has me here at this time, in this place according to his good and perfect will.

I pray you all have a Merry Christmas and remember the reason we are celebrating.